Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Enemy Randomizer Mod Makes Game Even More Challenging

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

A new Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice mod makes the game even more challenging, randomizing both enemies and item placement.

The Enemy and Item Randomizer mod also randomizes bosses, so you may end up fighting one of the late-game bosses right at the beginning of the game.

A comprehensive enemy and item randomizer for Sekiro, including boss randomization and key item randomization.

Misc general info:
- There is a hint/spoiler log that is generated and put in the 'runs' folder. Check it out if you are lost or want to check enemy placements.
- For convenience, tutorials pop-ups have been removed.
- It should be fine to re-run the randomizer with a different seed after starting NG+ playthroughs (after viewing cutscene, before picking up first item). If item randomizer is off, it should also be fine to re-run enemy randomizer with a different seed in the middle of a playthrough.

Misc info about enemy randomizer:
- Sword Saint Isshin doesn't require Mortal Blade to deathblow anymore.
- If you get really stuck on a randomized enemy, you can rerun the seed with enemy rando turned off (use the big checkbox), defeat the enemy, then turn it back on again. This won't change the location of key items, but if item rando uses enemy placement data, some non-key item drops may become inaccessible.

Misc info about item randomizer:
- Remember that additional enemies spawn in Guardian Ape's Burrow after defeating Guardian Ape, and Fujioka will also sell Valley Apparitions Memo when the final enemy spawns.
- Divine Dragon's Tears and Aromatic Branch have no effect in the game. You can complete the game and enter Fountainhead Palace, respectively, without them.
- Item logic assumes that you can get into Sunken Passage Serpent Shrine if you have either Puppeteer Ninjutsu or Mist Raven's Feathers.
- There are options like 'Item availability similar to base game' which I would strongly recommend. Otherwise, at high biases, it is possible for e.g. all Gourd Seeds and Memories to be in Fountainhead Palace.

The Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Enemy and Item Randomizer mod is also getting some new features in future versions. You can learn more about the mod, and download the current version, by going here.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is now available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One worldwide.

The post Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Enemy Randomizer Mod Makes Game Even More Challenging by Francesco De Meo appeared first on Wccftech.


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