Fallout 4 Expansion Mod Fallout Miami Early Version Released for Download

fallout miami fallout 4 mod 2

An early version of the Fallout 4 fan expansion mod ‘Fallout Miami’ has been made available for download.

Created by modder ‘Mika999’, the modification for Fallout 4 allows players to experience a journey to the post-nuclear vacation wasteland of Miami Beach where they’ll take part in the ideological struggle between Order and Freedom. As this is still an early version of the mod, it contains built parts of the old explorable worldspace. In addition, there currently aren’t any NPCs or enemy encounters and no quests. Luckily, the Fallout Miami mod will be updated over time with NPCs and new areas.

We’ve included some screenshots from this early version down below:

Those interested can download the mod right here. Please note that you’ll need Fallout 4 and all of its official DLCs.

The post Fallout 4 Expansion Mod Fallout Miami Early Version Released for Download by Aernout appeared first on Wccftech.

Refference- https://wccftech.com

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