World War Z Post-Launch Roadmap Revealed, Includes New Mission, Zombie Type, More

World War Z is a pretty solid Left-4-Dead-alike, but the game does have some shortcomings, including a somewhat slim selection of content. Thankfully, developer Saber Interactive will be delivering several free content updates over the coming months. You can check out the summer roadmap, below.

  • May will see the release of a brand-new mission set in Tokyo alongside a terrifying zombie type that spits a deadly virus and can resurrect if not properly dispatched.
  • June will bring a new six-skull difficulty setting with a unique reward, as well as bonus cosmetics and more.
  • July will offer the new Weekly Challenge mode, plus additional cosmetics and other goodies.

In addition to the updates listed above, Saber is also planning other World War Z improvements, including private lobbies, a survival mode, FOV and level-of-details sliders on PC, and more. All these additions will be free. So yeah, a pretty solid lineup of fresh stuff on the way, although hopefully Saber keeps the support strong. Personally, I’d love to see an additional location or two added to the game.

Haven’t tried out World War Z yet? You should consider giving it a shot, as I found it to be an entertaining, if occasionally rough, co-op shoot ‘em up in my full review

World War Z is a surprisingly fresh take on the well-trodden Left 4 Dead formula. While a bit rough around the edges and nowhere near as groundbreaking as Valve’s series, World War Z is a confident co-op shooter that turns the intensity to 11 without being overwhelming or obnoxious. If you think you’ve got the stamina, this war is worth enlisting for.

World War Z is available now on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. So far, the game has been a solid success, selling over 1 million units in its first week on the market.

The post World War Z Post-Launch Roadmap Revealed, Includes New Mission, Zombie Type, More by Nathan Birch appeared first on Wccftech.


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