The ASUS ZenFone 5Z has been on the market for about half a year now, though it was initially announced at Mobile World Congress back in February. The device sports a Snapdragon 845 SoC, 6/8GB RAM, and 64/128/256GB of UFS 2.1 internal storage alongside a hybrid microSD card slot. All of that comes in a slim package with 6.2-inch FHD+ screen, 3.5mm headphone jack, USB Type-C port, and a 3,300mAh battery. To put it in short, it’s a solid flagship device, none less than any other flagship from 2018. The ZenFone 5Z was originally released with Android 8.0 Oreo on board, but ASUS promised to update the device to Android Pie in January of 2019. Apparently, the company is ahead of the schedule, as some users already received the update.
According to Fone Arena, Android Pie build with version number is now rolling out to some users in Taiwan. Apart from the obvious aesthetic and functional changes that Android Pie brings, the newest build doesn’t seem to include anything original. Unfortunately, it still has November security patches. The update is just over a gigabyte in size, so keep that in mind when you get the OTA notification. This update comes after ASUS released Android Pie for the Zenfone 5 last week.
It’s most likely that ASUS is gradually rolling out the update. This time they started with Taiwan. After the confirmation that the update is, in fact, reliable, the company will push it to a wider scale. All ZenFone 5Z devices should receive the update by January of 2019. You can download the OTA zip from the link below and flash it manually only if you are running version on ZS620KL model.
Download Android Pie OTA ZIP for Zenfone 5Z
Update: India too
After starting in Taiwin, ASUS is now rolling out the update in India. The update includes a new contextual pop-up volume bar and a new Magnifier feature for easier copy-and-paste, among the many other Android Pie changes. Users can go to Settings > System > System Updates to manually check for the update if they do not receive a notification. The Android Pie update will be rolled out in batches.
Via: Fone ArenaSource: ASUS ZenTalk
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