Apple Employees Worried About AR Headset’s Price and Utility Ahead of Potential Launch

Apple AR Headset, Price Features and Utility Concerns Employees

Apple is gearing up to launch its new AR Headset sometime later this year which will open doors to many opportunities for the better. The company's headset with augmented reality capabilities will be the first major product after the Apple Watch and Apple has high ambitions with the device. However, Apple employees are worried about the utility and price of the AR Headset ahead of its potential launch. Scroll down to read more details on the subject.

Despite major hype, Apple employees remain skeptical about the AR Headset's price and utility

Apple's AR Headset will be powered by its custom chips, delivering enhanced computational and graphical performance. We have previously heard that 'realityOS' or 'rOS' will import various apps from iOS for a more streamlined experience. Additionally, it will also allow the device to better fit into Apple's ecosystem. While Apple will offer a wide range of novelties with its AR Headset, eight Apple employees showed their concern over the device's utility and price in an interview with The New York Times.

It was previously reported that Apple's initial model of the AR Headset will come at a whopping $3,000 price tag. The high-end price tag means that the headset is not for everyone. It was previously reported that the initial model of the AR Headset will be priced higher but the company will see fit to release budget variants in the following years.

Additionally, At this point, we are not familiar with how Apple will position the headset and how the market will respond. Employees have also raised a concern that Apple is using a different approach with the AR Headset in contrast to prior releases. They argue that the headset has not been designed with "a solution in search of a problem" inclination. Henceforth, it remains to be seen how the product translates user feedback given its vast hype.

Apple AR Headset, Price Features and Utility Concerns Employees

The New York Times also corroborates earlier reports that the AR Headset will feature a carbon fiber chassis conjoined with a separate battery pack connected through a wire. Furthermore, the headset will also feature external camera sensors with dual 4K screens along with a dial to adjust the opacity of the video.

We have previously heard that Apple's AR Headset will widely focus on communication and entertainment which includes gaming. video calling is one of the most essential features of the device. While Apple employees remain skeptical about the device, we are excited about the release since the device has rested in the rumor mill for a while now.

We will keep you guys updated on the latest as soon as additional details are available. We are expecting the AR Headset to launch sometime later this year and Apple could unveil the device at its WWDC event in June. Let us know which features you would like to see in Apple's next big release.

The post Apple Employees Worried About AR Headset’s Price and Utility Ahead of Potential Launch by Ali Salman appeared first on Wccftech.


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