God Of War Ragnarok – How To Solve The Lift Puzzle At The Forge In Svartalfheim

the forge in god of war ragnarok

God of War Ragnarok has plenty of environmental puzzles that must be solved to progress in the story, to access hidden areas, or to find and open chests. One of the trickiest puzzles in the game can be found at The Forge in Svartalfheim during the Forging Destiny quest. It is tied to the main storyline, so you must complete it before further advancing in the area. Don’t worry, though. This guide will show you how to solve the lift puzzle at The Forge in Svartalfheim.

SPOILER ALERT: This guide contains spoilers of the game.

This puzzle can be quite challenging if you don't find the right spot to throw your Axe.

How to solve the lift puzzle with Brok at The Forge

During the Forging Destiny quest, Brok will lead you to the Forge after you exit the underground tunnel with Freya. However, you will soon be unable to proceed as a Nightmare Haunt blocks the lift’s cables. You must destroy it to continue your journey, but you first need to solve a puzzle that will open the gate to the trail, bringing you close enough to the nest.

When you reach the area, look to your right and burn the brambles blocking the lift. You can do that with your Blades of Chaos by pressing L2 to aim and igniting them with R2. The elevator, however, won’t move. You need to find a way to make Brok reach the upper level, which can be done by freezing the geysers.

From the elevator, look to the right and climb the wall. Once done, you will see a geyser in front of you. Freeze it by throwing your Leviathan Axe at it, and continue following the path.

You will find a wooden platform at the trail’s end, with a geyser nearby. Freeze it with your Axe, and the lift will finally move, making Brok reach the upper level. The Dwarf will find the lever that controls the elevator, and he will be able to move it whenever you ask him to do so.

Go back to the lower level, and enter the lift. Ask Brok to move the elevator by pressing the Square button. You will reach the upper area but still won’t be able to open the gate.

To do that, look to your right and climb the wall when prompted. Ask Brok to move the elevator again by pressing the Square button.

Reach the left of the area, and you will be able to see a geyser, the first you froze for this puzzle. Aim at it with your Axe, and throw it to freeze the water. This will finally open the gate.

Go back to Brok and pass through the gate. Remember not to call your Axe back before you leave the lift puzzle area. Otherwise, the water will flow again, and the gate will close. After that, you can reach the corner where you can easily destroy the Nightmare Haunt blocking the lift.

If you need more help with the game, you can check all Draugr Hole locations in God of War Ragnarok, as well as a guide that shows how to solve all Red Hive puzzles in The Below.

The post God Of War Ragnarok – How To Solve The Lift Puzzle At The Forge In Svartalfheim by Agnese Carluccio appeared first on Wccftech.

Refference- https://wccftech.com

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