Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS iOS 13 to 13.3 Updated With Support for Devices Running A9 to A11 Chips

Unc0ver Jailbreak

Unc0ver jailbreak tool for iOS 13 to iOS 13.3 has been updated to version 4.2 which now comes with support for devices running A9 to A11 chips. If you haven't been able to jailbreak your iPhone X running iOS 13 to iOS 13.3 before, now you can with the latest update of the tool. Apart from this, the update also comes with a plethora of bug fixes and more. For more details, check out chanelog below.

Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 13 v4.2 Brings Support for A9 to A11 Devices - Does Not Require a PC

As we have mentioned earlier, Unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 13 to iOS 13.3 now supports devices running A9 to A11 chips. This means that you can now use the tool to jailbreak iPhone 6s to iPhone X. Take note that Unc0ver is not the first jailbreak tool released for the said processors.

Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 13

Checkra1n tool can also jailbreak iPhone X and older devices which are running iOS 13 to iOS 13.3.1. Take note that Checkra1n jailbreak requires access to a computer, Unc0ver can be sideloaded on an iPhone from a signing device. This is the only benefit of Unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 13.3 over Checkra1n. However, if your iPhone is already jailbroken through Checkra1n, we would recommend you to stick to it.

Check out the Unc0ver Jailbreak v4.2 changelog:

  • Fix issues with system services on A12-A13 (i.e. iMessage notifications)
  • Add iOS 13.0-13.3 support for A8-A11 devices
  • Fix temporary freeze after the jailbreak completed alert

Take note that if you're looking to make a switch from Checkra1n to Unc0ver, all of your tweaks and apps will be preserved, making both of the tools compatible with each other. If you switch from Unc0ver to Checkra1n, you will have to install Cydia Substrate manually. Furthermore, if you're using an Apple Watch with your iPhone, the wearable will re-sync after the jailbreak. Head over to the official website for more details.

There will be more to the story, so be sure to stay tuned in for more. Are you looking to use the Unc0ver jailbreak tool over Checkra1n? Let us know which one works best for you and why.

The post Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS iOS 13 to 13.3 Updated With Support for Devices Running A9 to A11 Chips by Ali Salman appeared first on Wccftech.

Refference- https://wccftech.com

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