Satisfactory a Huge Hit on Epic Games Store

Coffee Stain Studios, the developers behind the huge indie hit Goat Simulator, look like they’ve got another huge hit on their hands. In a recent YouTube video by Jace Valetti, the community manager over at Coffee Stain, has stated the huge numbers of copies their game Satisfactory has sold on the Epic Games Store.

To be precise, the game has sold 507,374 copies as of the release of that video. It’s the companies best ever launch and has far exceeded expectations set by the studio. It’s also worth noting that the game currently costs £26.99 on the store, though only at a cost of £16.99 as Epic Games themselves currently pay £10 of the price of the game during the ongoing Epic Games Sale.

To be honest, this is quite a surprise to me. The biggest surprise is that the YouTube and Twitch darling, Goat Simulator, sold worse than this. This is despite the fact that Goat Simulator was played everywhere to millions of viewers, cost less than Satisfactory and was also released to a wider range of stores. Also, Satisfactory is a niche title, to say the least, as Jace himself states, it’s a game about factories.

Still, congratulations to Coffee Stain Studios and their undeniable success. This will also prove to be a great bit of news for owners of Coffee Stain, THQ Nordic, who are no strangers to posting success stories on the Epic Games Store, with the store providing the most digital copies sold on any platform. Though, it is worth noting, that it seems Metro Exodus is now coming to the Windows Store in the form of being included in the upcoming Xbox Game Pass on the PC.

Despite the fact that the Epic Games Store is still lacking basic features like a shopping cart, as well as the undeniable backlash by a vocal portion of the PC market, titles seem to be showing some success. It’s also a huge benefit to the developers and publishers that any copy sold on the Epic store nets them a higher portion of the money than on other storefronts. I also imagine the fact that Epic has paid a decent portion of the cost themselves in the Epic Games Sale will have also provided a shot in the arm to any game.

As much as people dislike the store it’s sold on, a game from a smaller developer doing well should always be a reason to celebrate. As for Satisfactory, I’m one of the purchasers and what time I’ve spent with the game, I’ve enjoyed it so far. It would certainly be interesting to see how other titles are performing on the store, see if the case of titles being successful is shared across them all or just a select few.

The post Satisfactory a Huge Hit on Epic Games Store by Chris Wray appeared first on Wccftech.


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