Apple Sends Out Press Invites for WWDC 2019

WWDC 2019

You know it’s way beyond official when the press is involved, right? Today, Apple has sent out press invites for WWDC 2019.

Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, or WWDC, is all set for June 3rd. There is going to be a lot of developer presence during the entire event, but the main focus is going to be the opening keynote as it’s the one thing everyone looks forward to. It’s that keynote where Apple announces the future of its software lineup, and in this case, iOS 13, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13 and of course, watchOS 6.

Those who registered and won the lottery to be at the event are going to be there, but the press as well. Obviously, because it’s WWDC and who doesn’t want a live glimpse of what Apple is going to announce, right? Here’s what the press invite looks like.

WWDC 2019

Though there is going to be a lot of stuff Apple is going to invite on-stage, but we’re certain that everyone is looking forward to iOS 13 and what it brings to the table. It’s heavily being reported that Apple’s mobile software this year will focus big on new feature additions since iOS 12 was more of a housekeeping release. So we can expect things like a proper dark mode, better support for features on iPad, mouse support (of sorts) on iPad and a ton of other things. Whatever it’s going to be, we’ll report on it as it unfolds.

This year, we’re also expecting Apple to give us a glimpse of future hardware, more notably the Mac Pro. The trashcan pro desktop from Apple is way overdue for an upgrade and the existing hardware is mediocre at best when compared to consumer notebooks and desktops from Apple. It’s also believed that the new Mac Pro is going to be modular, but we’ll see about that for ourselves.

Mark the date, folks. June 3 is going to be one awesome day if you are an Apple fan.

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The post Apple Sends Out Press Invites for WWDC 2019 by Uzair Ghani appeared first on Wccftech.


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