Exclusive: AMD 7nm Mobility Supported OEMs And Current Roadmap

I have a couple of updates on the AMD 7nm mobility lineup front. AMD’s 7nm processors have already been announced for the mobility front and tech enthusiasts should be rejoicing at the anticipated expansion of cheap but powerful options for mobility lineups – but from what I have heard, there is more than meets the eye.

AMD 7nm mobility lineup is being met with OEM/ODM pushback

It turns out that AMD’s 7nm is meeting with some initial teething problems breaking (back) into the mobility industry. I found out that some ODMs have actually decided already that they are not going to be taking on AMD 7nm when it launches (more on this below). So without further ado, I will cut right to the chase.

Here are the OEMs that I have confirmed will support AMD 7nm:

  • Acer
  • ASUS
  • HP

Here are the OEMs/ODMs that I have heard will not be supporting AMD 7nm:

  • Tongfang
  • Clevo
  • MSI

Clevo and Tongfang are ODMs (original design manufacturers) that design the basic laptop SKUs most of the brand names (like Walmart, Origin, Cyberpower PC etc) have on-shelf right now. MSI would need no introduction to the audience of Wccftech, I reckon, so I will leave that untouched. So why would two of the biggest ODMs and an AIC like MSI decide not to pick up AMD 7nnm you ask?

Well, the decision has nothing to do with performance – that much I can tell you right now. There is one primary reason that all three of these companies have decided (as of now at any rate) not to pick up AMD 7nm: support.

I want to tread carefully here and make sure I get just the facts across and nothing more. To begin with, there is no binding contract or anything of the nature this time. It appears to be wholly and solely volunteered decision taken by these companies. The rationale behind this is simple, both NVIDIA and Intel provide complimentary support (in the form of technical assistance and marketing support) and availability warranties to these companies, thanks to a healthy relationship and this translates into significant cost savings and QA.

AMD does not have the financial ability to provide this level of support right now to everyone (they *are* providing this to some extent to Acer, ASUS and HP) and is not able to provide the relevant warranties – which is why Clevo, Tongfang and MSI feel they do not want to risk picking up AMD 7nm right now. While it goes without saying that this is bad for the gamer and narrows consumer choice, I will leave it up to the reader what to make of this.

AMD 12nm mobility lineup is planned to last through 2019, 7nm to take over in late 2019 to Q1 2020

The second thing I wanted to talk about is the roadmap for 7nm. I have heard that AMD’s 7nm mobility lineup won’t hit the shelves till Q1 2020. That said, please keep in mind plans like these can change rapidly although I do not expect 12nm mobility lineup to be replaced before late 2019 at the earliest (even if we are dealing with an accelerated roadmap). Mobility lineups require a good-enough level of yield and achieved economies of scale so the later this ships, the better it is for AMD (and the partner foundry).

The good news is I am hearing very good things about the performance per $ levels of the AMD 7nm mobility lineup and it will be very competitive compared to what we have on the market right now. This means we are looking at a significant structural shift in cost structures of the laptop industry: things are about to get a lot faster – and cheaper! It is also worth mentioning that Intel plans to have its 10nm (which is ~equivalent to the pure-play foundry 7nm process) on the market before year-end as well so the race is very much back on.

The post Exclusive: AMD 7nm Mobility Supported OEMs And Current Roadmap by Usman Pirzada appeared first on Wccftech.

Refference- https://wccftech.com

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