Apple Working on AirPods Charging Case With a Touchscreen for Music Controls and More

Apple Patent envisions AirPods CHarging Case With a Touchscreen Display on back

Apple is possibly developing a new case for the AirPods that will house a touchscreen. The miniature screen could offer a boatload of functions relevant to media consumption and much more. As of now, the AirPods and the AirPods Pro feature a pretty standard wireless charging case that only comes in white. The latest Apple patent highlights an AirPods with a small screen at the back that aims to offer music controls. Check out more details on the patent below and when can we expect it to see daylight.

Latest Apple patent hints at AirPods Charging Case with a touchscreen for enhanced music controls

Before we dive into the technical aspect, it is worth noting that Apple files a lot of patents and it is not necessary that each one of them would see daylight. The company could take a part of the patent and implement it while securing the technology for later use as it sees fit. Additionally, the company could ditch the idea altogether as well. Henceforth, be sure to take the news with a grain of salt. The latest Apple patent highlights an AirPods charging case with a touchscreen embedded on the back.

The patent was filed by Apple with the USPTO with the title "Devices, Methods, and Graphical Interface  Interactions with a Headphone Case" (via Patent;y Apple). What this means is that the charging case will feature all the necessary components for an external touchscreen display. The charging case will be able to control audio output via touch input and could further offer features to change audio quality depending on user preferences, Take note that these are mere speculations at this stage as the final word rests with Apple.

Apple Patent envisions AirPods CHarging Case With a Touchscreen Display on back

The charging case with a display will house all the necessary components such as a capacitive touchscreen with tactile feedback on controls. As for the interface, the display could respond to tapping and swiping gestures. The patent also highlights a squeeze input method to shift between audio modes. To make it happen, the AirPods charging case with a built-in touchscreen would have to be equipped with additional sensors and chips.

Apple Patent envisions AirPods CHarging Case With a Touchscreen Display on back

Apart from features associated with audio controls, the display could also integrate with the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac to show relevant information such as Messages, Maps, Cameras, Weather, and much more. The patent also poses that the difficulties associated with non-visual controls lack precision and the addition of a touchscreen could bridge the gap.

As mentioned earlier, the idea rests in the form of a patent right now and it could take Apple years to make it a reality. Nonetheless, we will keep you guys updated on the latest, so be sure to stick around. This is all there is to it, folks. Do you want to see a touchscreen on the AirPods charging case? Let us know in the comments.

Written by Ali Salman


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