Download: Chrome 100 Released for Desktop and Mobile with New Icon

Download Chrome 100 with new minimal logo

Google Chrome was just updated to version 100 and along with the major milestone comes a brand new, refreshed icon for both desktop and mobile.

Google Updates Chrome to Version 100 with Brand New Minimal Icon After 13.5 Years Since Original Release Back in 2008

Chrome has been around for such a long time that it almost feels like that no other browser actually existed in our lifetime. But obviously, that's not true, if you're old enough.

I'm sorry.

Released back in September of 2008 to much fanfare, the browser is now at version 100 with a handful of new features and changes under and above the hood leading up to this day. And speaking of today, you are now treated to a brand new icon as well, which makes it fit in with the modern design language of operating systems that we use on a daily basis - including Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

Interestingly, the new minimal logo was previewed earlier this year by Google itself and it was a matter of time that it was rolled out to everyone around the globe. And what better moment to do it than on the 100th version of the browser itself.

If you are interested in downloading Chrome 100 instantly, then you can do so by going to this link on your iPhone and iPad then hitting Update. Android users can go here to download the update.

If you're using Windows or Mac, the update will download and install in the background on its own. Once the download is complete, you can simply restart Google Chrome and experience version 100 in all its glory, new icon and all.

With Chrome 100 now available for download, how about you share your best Chrome moment with us in the comments section below? I'll start with mine - it made Internet Explorer look bad on release day.

The post Download: Chrome 100 Released for Desktop and Mobile with New Icon by Uzair Ghani appeared first on Wccftech.


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