How to Erase Digits on iPhone Calculator App Since There is No Delete Key

How to Erase a number or digit in the iPhone Calculator App

Since Apple does not plan to release a Calculator app for the iPad, we have to stick to the iPhone or download it from the App Store. If you have used the Calculator app on the iPhone, you must have tried looking for the delete or backspace button to erase a number or digit. You would be surprised to know that the Calculator app on the iPhone does not have a backspace or delete button. However, you do have the option to erase the mistyped digit or number which most people are not familiar with. Today, we will learn how to erase a digit or a number on the iPhone's Calculator app.

Since the iPhone's Calculator App Does Not Have a Backspace Key, This is How to Erase The Digits or Numbers Entered By Mistake

The backspace or delete button is normally used on a calculator for errors or corrections. You might have made a mistake in a long calculation and just want to correct it but you do not see a delete key. Well, it is really simple to erase a number or a digit entered in the Calculator app on your iPhone. If you are unfamiliar with the mechanism, this is how to erase a digit or a number in the iPhone Calculator app.

1. The first thing that you have to do is launch the stock Calculator app on your iPhone.

2. If you want to erase the last digit or number that you have entered incorrectly, simply Swipe Left or Right on the number.

How to Erase a number or digit in the iPhone Calculator App

3. You will see the last entered digit or number erased.

This is all that is required to erase the digit or the number that you have entered incorrectly in the Calculator app on your iPhone. It is really simple and the mechanism is very natural. Other than this, you also have the option to copy the number on the screen that you can paste elsewhere. If you want to copy the number, simply tap and hold your finger on the number until the shivering 'Copy' button appears. Tap on it to copy the number. You can paste the digits anywhere in iOS.

For more helpful guides and tutorials, head over to this section.

This is all there is to it, folks. The stock Calculator app on the iPhone is pretty standard and at times this is all that is required. Now you know how to erase the number or digit in the iPhone's Calculator app. Did you know how to erase the digits before? Do you think Apple will release a Calculator app on the iPad? Share your experience with us in the comments.

The post How to Erase Digits on iPhone Calculator App Since There is No Delete Key by Ali Salman appeared first on Wccftech.


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