Samsung's Black Friday offers have been live for several days, with massive discounts on TVs. We already shared the details of a blockbuster $3500 discount on the 2021 Samsung Neo 85-inch Class QN900A 8K TV. Samsung had slashed prices of its Pinterest-popular The Frame TV, however, it didn't include the biggest 85-inch variant.
Samsung is now offering a $1000 discount, bringing the price down to $3299.99
Samsung Frame TV promises to be a decor investment for your living room that isn't just a high-end TV but also seamlessly blends in with the background along with working as a frame for some beautiful work of art. You can bring world-class museums and galleries to your home with a growing library of over 1,400 works from world-renowned institutions offered by Samsung's Art Store.
Black Friday discounts are now live on all the variants of Samsung Frame TV:
- 85" QLED 4K Smart TV (2021) for $3,299.99 (originally: $4,299.99)
- 75" QLED 4K Smart TV (2021) for $2,199.99 (originally: $2,999.99)
- 65" QLED 4K UHD HDR Smart TV (2021) for $1,499.99 (originally: $1,999.99)
- 55" QLED 4K UHD HDR Smart TV (2021) for $999.99 (originally: $1,499.99)
- 50" Class The Frame QLED 4K UHD HDR TV for $899.99 (originally: $1,299.99)
- 43" QLED 4K Smart TV (2021) for $799.99 (originally: $999.99)
- 32" Class The Frame QLED HDR Smart TV (2020) for $449.99 (originally: $599.99)
Samsung offers free shipping with easy returns. The company also offers financing options at 0% APR. More details on that are here.
Head over to this link for more product details and get the Samsung Frame TV at a discount. Different variants of Samsung Frame TV have gone on Early Black Friday deals in the past couple of weeks, but they keep going out of stock. It's unclear if Samsung will offer better deals on this variant later this month, but these are the best prices offered yet.
- Save $3500 on 85" Class QN900A Samsung Neo QLED 8K SmartTV (2021)
The post 85-Inch The Frame TV Finally Gets Black Friday Discount – $1000 Off by Deals Editor appeared first on Wccftech.