Four New Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 11 That You Must Learn – Tutorial

New Keyboard Shortcuts Windows 11

Windows 11 will be launched later this year, but we still have access to the beta, and dev versions, thank to the Windows Insider Program. Windows 11 contains many new features like the centered taskbar and Start menu, Snap layouts, Snap groups, chat app, and more. Another thing that you should know is that with new features come new shortcuts. So, in this post, I will show you four new keyboard shortcuts for Windows 11.

New Keyboard Shortcuts Windows 11

Keyboard shortcuts save us by shortening the time we take on any particular task. The previous versions of Windows carried on some common shortcuts like the copy-paste shortcut keys. However, Windows 11 has new features like Quick Settings, Notification Center, Widgets, Snap Layouts, and new shortcuts to access these settings and tasks.

New Keyboard Shortcut for Quick Settings

In Windows 10, you have the Action Center that displays notifications and quick actions like turning on the Bluetooth, Location, Night mode, focus assist, etc. This is what it looks like in the Windows 10 OS.

Four New Keyboard Shortcuts

In Windows 11, this feature comes with a new outlook. The Quick Settings and Notification Center appears as two flyouts now. It no longer appears as one center that includes BOTH the settings and the notifications. In the quick settings flyout, you get settings like brightness control, volume, Bluetooth, etc. The shortcut to access is essentially the same as the one you used to access the Action Center in Windows 10. However, you won’t get the notifications from this shortcut anymore.

Four New Keyboard Shortcuts

To open the ‘new’ Quick Settings Action Center use the following shortcut keys:

Win + A

Notifications Flyout

If you want to access the notifications flyout in Windows 11, you need the following shortcut keys:

Win + N.

The notifications flyout also includes a full-month calendar.

Four New Keyboard Shortcuts
These shortcut keys weren’t allocated to anything in Windows 10.


The ‘News and Interests’ widget from Windows 10 is being replaced in Windows 11. The new Widget contains information like weather, news, sports (nothing new here), stocks, traffic, and it will also feature Microsoft To-Do lists. To access the Widgets, you can use the shortcut keys:

Win + W


Snap Layouts

Another new feature is Snap layouts in Windows 11. If you hover the cursor over the maximize button (the square on the top right corner of any window next to the Close cross sign), you will see different grids. You can use these grids to arrange your windows any way you want. You can access the Snap layouts menu using the following shortcut keys:

Win + Z.

This is how you can arrange your Windows using the Snap Layouts feature, and this is just one example:

New Keyboard Shortcuts Windows 11

If you are already using Windows 11, these keys can help, or if you are waiting for the release later this year, these keys will help you then.

The post Four New Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 11 That You Must Learn – Tutorial by Zarmeen Shahzad appeared first on Wccftech.


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