Reports about the Apple Glass release timeline have never consistent. Previously, the AR headset was apparently being moved to the third stage of development, with the key targets for Apple being lightweight and energy efficiency. However, according to the latest report, it’s going to be a costly venture for the company and, by extension, the consumer. Also, if you were crossing your fingers to see a release this year, then you’re straight out of luck.
Apple’s AR Headset Will Be Similar in Design When It Comes to Competing Products, Says Latest Report
According to JP Morgan analyst Yang Weilun, the Apple Glass could arrive in the first quarter of 2022. Apple’s suppliers could provide the company will all components by Q4, 2021, allowing the technology giant to hold an event early next year. Like most competing products, this head-mounted wearable will bear a similar design, but its primary specifications will be focused on optics. In short, Apple could incorporate six lenses, a LiDAR scanner, and a ToF sensor to deliver an in-depth AR experience.
Unfortunately, that experience might end up being an expensive one for the consumer. The Apple Glass’ BOM or Bill of Materials could exceed $500, with costs adding up in marketing, R&D, and other areas. Even though Apple has various suppliers to provide key components, gaining price leverage as a result, the complex design of the product is what could shoot up the retail price of the Apple Glass. Another area that might be difficult to attain is weight. The AR headset needs to be lightweight so users can continue donning it for longer hours without complaining of excess fatigue.
These aspects are what could end up making the Apple Glass into an expensive product. We’ll also have to see if it provides features that will benefit users, and not be categorized as a niche product. Of course, there’s no way of knowing this until the actual announcement occurs, so stay tuned for more updates in the future.
You can also check out this interesting concept that uses the power of AR to turn your regular desk into a computing powerhouse.
The post Apple Glass, the Company’s First AR Headset Could Cost More Than $500 to Make; Expected Arrival Is Q1 2022 by Omar Sohail appeared first on Wccftech.