A new report suggests that we might be getting an Apple VR headset sooner than later. The headset will bring a fabric design, a cooling fan, and a hefty price tag to match. The report also suggests that the Apple VR headset might be launching in 2022 and will be a standalone device that will operate using batteries, just like the Oculus Quest 2 does.
Apple is said to be working on "some of its most advanced and powerful chips" for this unannounced VR headset. In addition to that, some of the chips are even faster than Apple's latest M1 chips.
Apple VR Headset Will be a Standalone Device and Will be Powered Using Batteries
The report also suggests that Apple is reportedly facing issues as far as this headset's development is concerned. Some prototypes ended up being too big and heavy. Apple is also using a fabric exterior, which will help in reducing the weight of the headset. The company is also using a fan, which is unusual, considering how Apple is normally moving towards a fanless future.
Bloomberg's report also talks about the size of the Apple VR headset is somewhat similar to the Oculus Quest, in addition to the fact that the headset is codenamed N301. Some prototypes that are being tested even include external cameras that will enable several AR features. Apple is also testing the feature, which will allow the use of these cameras to track hand movements and software features like a virtual keyboard.
We don't have any clear information as to when the Apple VR headset will hit the market, but the report does point that it will be in 2022 and will also be an expensive and niche device. There are also rumors that Apple might only be selling a single headset per day at each of the company's retail stores, or less than 200,000 units a year.
This is not the first time we hear about the Apple VR headset; the company has been working on VR and AR for years. It is safe to say that we will get something shortly; we don't know when it will happen.
The post Apple VR Headset Will Bring a Fabric Design, a Fan, and a Hefty Price by Furqan Shahid appeared first on Wccftech.
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