DOOM Eternal Horde Mode Mod to Release This Week

DOOM Eternal

A DOOM Eternal horde mode mod is going to be released later this week.

The mod, created by proteh, will be released on September 13th and it will introduce a classic horde mode that will put players' skills to the test. You can find the full DOOM Eternal Horde Mode mod details, as well as its launch trailer, right below.

  • Wave based horde mode gameplay, where you will get ammo, weapons, extra lives, upgrades, sentinel crystals, weapon mods and points after each round.
  • Each wave will be harder than the previous one, most of the time presenting you with new enemies to deal with.
  • There will be “boss waves” where you will fight buffed up versions of some enemies.
  • The music will be cycling through all the available songs in the game to add some variety.
  • The final wave will be a very challenging never-ending arena where you will have to fight to see how much time you can stay alive.
  • Some props and/or monkey bars might be added for some waves to spice things up a bit more depending on the enemies you have to fight.

DOOM Eternal is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It will be released on a yet to be confirmed release date on Nintendo Switch.

The post DOOM Eternal Horde Mode Mod to Release This Week by Francesco De Meo appeared first on Wccftech.


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