Horizon Zero Dawn Trilogy Reportedly in the Works, Next Game Will be a PS5 Exclusive

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn was one of Sony’s most notable successes this generation, selling over 10 million copies, and yet, despite the game being over three years old at this point, we haven’t heard anything specific about future plans for the franchise. Well, per a new report from Video Games Chronicle there are indeed big things in the works, as series developer Guerilla Games has plans for a full trilogy.

According to VGC’s sources, Horizon Zero Dawn 2 will serve up a “gigantic” open world, and add co-op as a major feature. As we've heard before, Guerilla planned to include co-op in the original HZD, but ultimately cut it in order to focus on other aspects of the game.

Development of Horizon Zero Dawn 2 is said to have started soon after the first game shipped, and was originally targeting PS4. That said, development has now “entirely shifted focus” to the PS5. There were plans at one point to release a Horizon Zero Dawn 2 demo or preview that would largely focus on showing off the new co-op mechanics, but it’s unknown if that’s still in the plans.

Of course, as always, take all this with a grain of salt for now, but VGC has proven to be a reliable source, and this all sounds pretty plausible. We know Sony has plans to make Horizon Zero Dawn a major cornerstone IP, they’ve said as much many times, and a focus on co-op would certainly make sense. So, the big question – with development switching to next-gen, could Horizon Zero Dawn 2 be one of Sony’s big PlayStation 5 launch titles? A huge open world game like HZD would certainly be a great way to show off the abilities of the PS5’s cutting edge solid-state drive, and Sony has specifically mentioned HZD when talking about the abilities of their new DualSense controller. Hmmmm, makes ya think!

Horizon Zero Dawn is available now on PS4. A PC version will launch on Steam sometime this summer. So, are you eager for more HZD? When do you think the next game in the series might arrive?

The post Horizon Zero Dawn Trilogy Reportedly in the Works, Next Game Will be a PS5 Exclusive by Nathan Birch appeared first on Wccftech.

Refference- https://wccftech.com

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