Last week, Google unveiled the first Android 11 Developer Preview a bit earlier than scheduled. Like every year, it was for Pixels only. However, devices from other OEMs should get it later in the year. And, it looks like the Galaxy S10 series may be one of them. The 2019 flagship just showed up on Geekbench, running what appears to be an early Android 11 R build. Bear in mind that it is relatively easy to duplicate a Geekbench listing, so it's best to take this appearance with a grain of salt.
It stands to reason that companies like Samsung will receive the software before the general public. The Geekbench listing is possibly a Samsung employee testing an internal build of the software on the Galaxy S10. Last year, Samsung flagships were noticeably missing from the list of devices eligible to receive the Android 10 developer preview. We should know more about the eligible devices in a few weeks at Google I/O. Google usually sheds some more light on upcoming features and whatnot at the event.
Based on what little we've seen of Android 11 so far, it still appears to be playing catchup with Forks such as One UI and EMUI. For example, Android 11 will mark the debut of scrolling screenshots and a native screen recorder, something that has been a staple on several Android Forks since as early as Oreo. One UI is reasonably up to date when it comes to features. Much like its predecessor, the update should be, at best, an incremental one.
If Samsung continues on its current trajectory, then an October release for Android 11 is likely on the cards. Samsung was notorious for its sub-par software support, and we're glad to see that it is changing. Let's hope that Samsung gives the likes of OnePlus and Nokia a run for their money in the software upgrade department.
The post Galaxy S10+ Makes an Appearance on Geekbench Running Android 11 R by Anil Ganti appeared first on Wccftech.