PlayStation 5/Xbox Series X Graphics and Shorter Loading Times Are the Most Important Features for Next-Gen, According to ISFE Survey

PlayStation 5/Xbox Series X Graphics and Shorter Loading Times

Faster loading times and better visuals are the most demanded features for the next-generation consoles, which include both the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, according to a recent consumer survey. contributed a set of questions to the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE) and Ipsos MORI's GameTrack consumer survey regarding the features for the next console cycle. The survey was conducted among 8,000 gamers aged 11 to 64 across Germany, Spain, Italy, France and the UK.

Among the surveyed console gamers, 78% consider that “better graphics” is an important factor for the next-gen consoles, which include Sony’s upcoming PS5 and Xbox Series X. Another important feature appears to be shorter loading times – 71% of the console gamers agreed that "shorter load times” is important to them.

Interestingly, while both Sony and Microsoft have announced 8K resolution support, this particular feature doesn’t seem to be as important to the surveyed console gamers as only 49% found this feature less important than other features such as backwards compatibility, motion controls and the ability to play physical games.

According to the survey, backwards compatibility with previous consoles was important to 59% of the console gamers, while 57% of those agreed that motion controls is an important feature as well. 58% of the console crowd found the ability to play physical games important.

“As for gamers' lowest priority features, "virtual reality compatibility" and "handheld mode available" were most commonly deemed less important”, GamesIndustry writes. “VR was important to 37% of all surveyed gamers, with handheld mode slightly higher at 38%. When looking specifically at the console gamer crowd, VR was important to 43%, while handheld mode ticked up to 45%.”

For more information about Gametrack, please visit the official website right here.

We do know that both Sony and Microsoft are aiming for faster loading times through next-gen SSDs. How fast these drives will perform inside the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X remains to be seen.

Do you agree with the results of this survey? What are your most demanded features for the next-generation consoles? Hit the comments down below.

The post PlayStation 5/Xbox Series X Graphics and Shorter Loading Times Are the Most Important Features for Next-Gen, According to ISFE Survey by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.


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