PassMark: AMD Snatches Up To 40% CPU Market Share For The First Time In 14 Years

Can anything stop AMD's rise in the x86 market? If you take a look at PassMark's data, probably not. In a survey report of machines running PassMark, the company reported AMD's market share increasing to 40% for the first time in a very long time. This data comes after Intel has been facing increasing competition from AMD's Zen 2 based processors that can go toe to toe with the best Intel has to offer considering they are based on the 7nm process while Intel remains on 14nm.

AMD snatches up to 40% of market share in PassMark January 2020 update

AMD's Ryzen 3000 series was released back in July 2019 and marked the company's historical transition to a sub 14/16nm process (namely the 7nm node). For the first time in over three decades, Intel had lost its process lead over the x86 industry and AMD was the company to profit the most of it. AMD's 7nm processors proved not only more than capable of matching (and at times beating) Intel processors in performance but offered the same at a much lower price point.

AMD's use of predatory pricing seems to quickly be bearing fruit as it snatches away more and more market share from Intel. While Intel remains in the lead, AMD has snatched back up to 40% market share in the latest PassMark report (caution: this is just one data point and based only on devices running PassMark. Full list of caveats given below) and this is something we haven't seen since 2006 - almost a full 14 years ago.

AMD has previously admitted that it never thought it would ever beat Intel but the company's misstep in its 10nm efforts proved to be the ultimate opportunity for the company. While AMD has been gaining market share since its debut of Zen-based processors in 2017, it seems that the velocity at which it is gaining market share is increasing and if Intel isn't careful (read: starts slashing prices even further across the board), it will eventually cross Intel in these market share reports.

While AMD has the process superiority, Intel has (as of yet) managed to retain its clock superiority based on the 14nm process. Since gaming is still reliant on clock speeds, the company has a slight edge as far as gaming foes but the premium it's charging on its processors (like the 9900k) is something we don't expect will hold out against AMD's ever-improving offerings. Until 10nm arrives, Intel will need to handle things very carefully or risk losing even more market share. Intel's CEO has previously offered some very candid insights into how the company found itself into the position it is currently in.

PassMark survey footnotes:

  • This graph counts the baselines submitted to us during these time period and therefore is representative of CPUs in use rather than CPUs purchased.
  • The Quarters are by the calendar year rather than financial. (i.e. Q1 starts January 1st)
  • Baselines can be submitted from anywhere therefore these are global statistics.
  • We do receive a small number of submissions of CPU types other than AMD and Intel however the percentage is so small as to make it not worth graphing. This combined with rounding off the percentages to 2 decimal places will account for each quarter not always adding up to exactly 100%.
  • This chart only includes x86 processors and does not include other chip architectures these manufacturers may sell.
  • This chart only includes CPUs installed into PCs and does not include game consoles.
  • As the PerformanceTest software only runs on Windows OS and counts on user submitting their benchmarks. This chart may be non reflective of non Windows user base.
  • The figures don't represent just new CPU sales. They also reflect to some degree the installed base from the last 5 to 10 years. So large monthly swings in CPU sales will take time to convert the installed base.
  • As the chart is updated daily, but data points are for the quarter, the first few days of a new quarter will only have a few samples. i.e. The first few days of a new quarter are less accurate compared to the end of a quarter.

The post PassMark: AMD Snatches Up To 40% CPU Market Share For The First Time In 14 Years by Usman Pirzada appeared first on Wccftech.


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