Huge Stardew Valley Update 1.4 Released for Switch/PS4/XO; Expands or Improves Nearly Aspect of the Game

stardew valley update 1.4 switch ps4 xbox one

The rather huge Stardew Valley Update 1.4 has been released for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Released last month for PC, the 1.4 update basically improves or expands nearly aspect of the game. For instance, wild bait now provides a chance to catch two fish at once. Prior to this update, wild bait was pretty much worthless. In addition, the update adds new items, 24 new hairstyles, fish ponds, new mine content, clothes tailoring/dyeing and much more.

“One of my main goals with 1.4 was to finally “polish” the game to the degree that I’ve always wanted”, developer Eric Barone wrote last month. “What I mean by that is that I wanted to fix all the bugs that have been lingering in the game, to fix a lot of weird or annoying things about the controls & feel of the game, and add in a lot of “quality of life” features that will make the game more seamless to play. I feel pretty confident that this goal has been met!”

The update also packs some performance optimizations which should somewhat improve performance on consoles.

We’ve included the first part of the official release notes down below. Due to the full notes being really extensive, we suggest checking them out right here.

Stardew Valley Update 1.4 Nintendo Switch/PS4/Xbox One Release Notes

New content and features

  • Added movie theater unlocked in late game, with related content and features.
  • Added 14-heart events for every spouse.
  • Added new events and dialogue (including a new heart event for Caroline).
  • Added clothing items equipped on the player (replaces former clothing appearance options).
  • Added clothes tailoring and dyeing.
  • Added 24 new hair styles, including bald heads.
  • Added Four Corners farm map (meant for co-op, divides the land into four areas with their own perks).
  • Added Fish Ponds to breed fish and produce items.
  • Added new items:
    • 181 shirts;
    • 35 hats;
    • 14 pants (including dresses, skirts, and shorts);
    • 2 boots;
    • 38 decorative items obtained in various ways (e.g. new events);
    • 17 new flooring options;
    • 2 new Secret Notes;
    • two fish: Flounder and Midnight Carp;
    • Artifact Troves (can be broken open by Clint to yield artifacts);
    • Caviar, Roe, and Aged Roe;
    • Dark Sword;
    • Deluxe Scarecrow (given when you collect all rarecrows, has double the radius);
    • Dinosaur Mayonnaise (processed from Dinosaur Eggs);
    • Golden Scythe;
    • Mini-Jukebox (place anywhere on the farm or in farm buildings to play previously-heard music);
    • Mini-Fridges (place inside to extend your fridge capacity);
    • Rice crop;
    • Seafoam Pudding (fishing level 9 cooking recipe);
    • Shrimp Cocktail (recipe learned from the Queen of Sauce episode on Winter 25 Y2);
    • Squid Ink;
    • Sunflower Honey (produced by beehouses);
    • Tea bushes, Tea Leaves and Green Tea;
    • Training Rod (easier fishing but only catches common fish);
    • Tree Fertilizer (non-fruit trees grow more quickly);
    • Warp Totem: Desert;
    • Wilted Bouquet (crafted from a Bouquet), which lets you break up with NPCs you’re dating;
    • Workbench (lets you craft with ingredients in adjacent chests);
    • Wood Chipper (breaks hardwood and driftwood into wood).
  • Added new mine content:
    • a quarry mineshaft dungeon with new Haunted Skull and Sludge monsters, and a Golden Scythe;
    • prehistoric floors in the Skull Cavern with a new Pepper Rex monster;
    • rare alternative levels in the 1–120 mines after unlocking the quarry similar to the quarry mineshaft dungeon.
  • Added shed upgrade (doubles the interior size).
  • Added cat/dog breeds selectable from the new-character customization menu or Shrine of Illusion.
  • Added Krobus as a potential roommate if you’re unmarried.
  • Added a desert trader that sells new items.
  • Added Trash Bear to clean up trash around town in year 3+.
  • Added 4 new monster eradication goals & prizes.
  • Added 4 new museum reward levels (for donating 35, 70, 80, and 90 items).
  • Added trash can upgrades purchasable from Clint (gives 15-60% of trashed items’ value as money).
  • Added a new sun room in Pierre and Caroline’s house.
  • Added the ability to perform various emotes through a new menu (default key is ‘Y’).
  • Added a new farm building: Desert Obelisk.
  • Added winter flooring sprites.
  • Added hidden subplot if you’ve turned children into doves. (Spoilers: check the television on Fall 26, then visit the Witch’s Hut for a recurring effect and fish on the Four Corners farm for a one-time effect.)
  • Added experimental support for letting farmhands move buildings. Use the /movebuildingpermission command to toggle between on (farmhands can move any building), owned (they can move their own cabins or buildings they’ve built themselves), or off (default).
  • Added a new trash bin in front of JojaMart.
  • Added map export feature (except on 32-bit Linux), accessed via a button in the options menu or the /mapscreenshot chat command. Screenshots are saved in the appdata folder; click a button in the options screen to open it. When using the command, you can optionally specify a filename and percentage size like /mapscreenshot test 25.
  • Added VSync option. Disabling VSync may improve overall framerate at the expense of frame rate stability.
  • Added an NPC profile accessed through the social tab (tracks birthdays, their liked/disliked gifts as you discover them in-game, etc).
  • Added ‘advanced crafting info’ option which shows more info on the crafting menu (including number of times crafted and the number of each ingredient available).
  • Added OST files for new music tracks.
  • Added new easter egg on the title screen.
  • Junimo Kart has been completely redone and is now actually fun.
  • Dressers can now be used to store clothing, hats, shoes, and rings.
  • When you catch a silver or gold-quality fish, a ‘perfect’ catch now increases the quality by one. (This is the only way to get iridium-quality fish.)
  • You can now put hats on your children (once they can walk).
  • You can now play Elliott’s piano.
  • You can now put gemstones in Junimo huts to affect the color of new Junimos.
  • Divorced spouses no longer attend your wedding.
  • Divorced spouses no longer treat their exes normally during Festivals.
  • Auto-Grabbers now work in the coop too.
  • Successfully parrying a slime attack now prevents the “slimed” debuff.
  • Seaweed can now be foraged along the bottom shore of the tidal pool beach.
  • The adventurer’s guild now sells any boots you already found in mine chests.
  • You can no longer load saves created in a newer version of the game than you have. (This will only affect future versions of the game.)

Multiplayer changes

  • Added optional separate money in multiplayer.
  • Added support for private chat messages.
  • Added more multiplayer “server messages”.
  • Added a /ping chat command which prints the current ping to the host (for farmhands) or to each farmhand (for the host).
  • Added a /kick <farmer name> chat command.
  • Added /ban and /unban chat commands. Bans are per-farm, and the command can be called with a farmer name, user ID, or IP address. in all cases it will ban the user, not the farmhand character.
  • Added multiplayer synchronization for…
    • daily luck;
    • bulletin board quests (in most cases);
    • trains;
    • lightning bolts;
    • mine fog events;
    • lost book collection;
    • merchants’ limited stock;
    • drum/flute blocks;
    • adjustments to the fishing bobber’s position while it’s midair;
    • the animation when a player has a fish on the line.
  • When creating a new multiplayer form, the Starting Cabins option now defaults to 1 instead of None.
  • Each player now has a separate mailbox and spouse porch area.
  • Each player can now build a separate cellar.
  • When a player drops an item in multiplayer, other nearby players now have priority for picking it up.
  • You can now see other players’ scores during certain festivals in Multiplayer.
  • Quests in multiplayer now set difficulty based on the highest-level player.
  • In the Skull Cavern, mine shafts now drop players to the same level in multiplayer.
  • In multiplayer, many random checks now use the team’s average luck instead of only the host’s luck.
  • If connecting to a multiplayer server fails, the game will now retry internally before giving up.
  • The reward for completing the Bulletin Board bundle is now applied to all players in multiplayer.
  • Moving a Shipping Bin no longer leaves behind its lid for other players on a multiplayer farm.

Stardew Valley is available now for PC, consoles and mobile devices. The 1.4 update will hit mobile devices next month.

The post Huge Stardew Valley Update 1.4 Released for Switch/PS4/XO; Expands or Improves Nearly Aspect of the Game by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.


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