Apple's Pro Display XDR features amazing tech under the hood and has a lot going for it. The high-end display technology paves in the room for professional editing and color accuracy which can further be put to countless uses. Take note that the Pro Display XDR comes with an optional nano-texture glass which is microscopically etched. This nano-texture glass cuts down on reflectivity and glare whereby giving a matt look. To clean the glass of the Pro Display XDR, Apple has a special polishing cloth. Let's dive in to see some more details on the matter.
Pro Display XDR's Nano-Texture Glass Should Only be Cleaned With Apple's Special Polishing Cloth
Do take note that the nano-texture glass adds another $1000 to the price. You can be sure that in order to get that reflection and glare-free display, you have to spend a hefty amount. Apple notes in its support document that the Pro Display XDR with nano-texture must be cleaned with a dry polishing cloth provided by Apple.
The company also warns users that no other cleaning cloth should be used. In addition, if you lose the special polishing cloth, the company suggests that Apple Support should be contacted so another cloth is ordered. As of now, we're not sure how much would Apple charge for the new replacement polishing cloth.
Furthermore, Apple also provides specific instructions on how the polishing cloth can be washed. This includes using dish soap and water, rinsing and drying for 24 hours. In contrast, the standard Pro Display XDR can be cleaned with a microfiber cloth.
Apple priced the Pro Display XDR at $4999 and another $999 for the stand. While we're not sure, we can presume that the price of the special polishing cloth from Apple will add some extra bucks to the mix.
There will be more to the story, so be sure to stay tuned in for more details. This is all for now, folks. What are your thoughts on the whole scenario? Let us know what your thoughts are on the Pro Display XDR.
The post Apple’s Pro Display XDR with Nano-Texture Glass Requires a Special Polishing Cloth for Cleaning by Ali Salman appeared first on Wccftech.