NVIDIA CEO: RTX Is a Home Run; I Look Forward to Upgrading Hundreds of Millions of PC Gamers


NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang had some bold statements for investors during the Q3 2020 earnings call. He called the RTX line of graphics cards a 'home run', particularly thanks to the ray tracing feature that is about to get everywhere in games next year as AMD and next-generation consoles adopt it; he also said he looks forward to upgrading 'hundreds of millions of PC gamers' with RTX hardware.

Overall, for PC gaming, RTX is doing fantastic. Let me tell you why it's so important. I would say that at this point, I think it's fairly clear that ray tracing is the future and that RTX is a home run. Just about every major game developer has signed on to ray tracing. Even the next-generation consoles had to stutter step and include ray tracing in their next-generation consoles. The effects, the photorealistic look is just so compelling, it's not possible to really go back anymore. And so I think that it's fairly clear now that RTX ray tracing is the future. And there are several hundred million PC gamers in the world that don't have the benefits of it, and I'm looking forward to upgrading them.

The NVIDIA CEO then boasted the creation of a 'brand new' gaming platform for notebooks thanks to Max-Q design.

Second, and this is a combination of RTX and Max-Q, we really created a brand-new game platform, notebook PC gaming. Notebook PC gaming really didn't exist until Max-Q came along. And our second-generation Max-Q, this last season, really turbocharged this segment. Over 100 laptops now are available for PC gaming. And my sense is that this is likely going to be the largest gaming platform, new gaming platform that emerges. And we're just in the beginning innings of that. And so the combination of upgrading the entire installed base of PC gamers to RTX and ray tracing and this new gaming segment called notebook PC gaming is really quite exciting, and it's going to drive our continued growth for some time. And so I'm excited about that.

Lastly, Huang stated that both GeForce notebooks and RTX as a whole are doing very well in China.

Gaming is solid in China, and it is also the fastest adopter of our gaming notebooks. This gaming RTX notebooks or GeForce notebooks is really a brand new category. This category never existed before because we couldn't get the technology in there so that it's both delightful to own as well as powerful to enjoy. And so we saw really great success with RTX notebooks and GeForce notebooks in China, and RTX adoption has been fast.

Quotes credits go to Seeking Alpha.

The post NVIDIA CEO: RTX Is a Home Run; I Look Forward to Upgrading Hundreds of Millions of PC Gamers by Alessio Palumbo appeared first on Wccftech.

Refference- https://wccftech.com

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