Cyberpunk 2077 Garages, Branching Stories Detailed

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is now less than a year away, and new details on the game are coming in rather frequently. Today, we got some new details coming from the game’s Lead Quest Designer.

In a recent video shared on the Cyberpunk 2077 official Twitter profile, Pawel Sasko talks about garages. In the game, players will be able to own a garage where they will be able to store multiple vehicles. Multiple radio stations have also been confirmed.

In another interview with AusGamers, Pawel Sasko spoke about branching stories and the scene system. The system will be an improved version of the same one featured in The Witcher 3, where a single quest would branch out into multiple ones, leading to the unlocking of new romance options and more.

As a player, you have all these branches that are leading you through different stories. I feel that it might be a bit like this: when we were developing when you are going through those stories and there is a certain, I would call it a ‘chapter that ends’, you feel like, “okay, yeah, some kind of story has just ended”. So in that regard, I would say yes [to your question], however, one of the important things that we are doing in [Cyberpunk] is trying to make sure that the transition through the quest is really seamless.

It’s one of the things we’ve done with our scene system, and we’ve reworked it completely from the ground up. People were saying [that] our scene system [for The Witcher 3 was] one of the most advanced scene systems ever created, and frankly we [threw] it away and made a new one that is even better. We’ve just reworked it completely, and one of the reasons you will walk in the city and see all of those scenes happening all around you, and you go and talk to Placide, and Placide moves and talks to this woman and then to the vendor, and you move on and there are all these people around you. We can do all of that thanks to our scene system, and it’s really… it’s all seamless, right, so it doesn’t cut from one to another.

Cyberpunk 2077 launches on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on April 20th, 2020

The post Cyberpunk 2077 Garages, Branching Stories Detailed by Francesco De Meo appeared first on Wccftech.


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