Blizzard Addresses WoW Classic Hunter Beta Issues; Various Issues Confirmed Fixed or Being Looked At

wow classic hunter

Blizzard has posted an update on the WoW Classic Hunter Beta issues that have been reported since the start of the closed beta.

In a new post on the official World of Warcraft forums, Blizzard has numerous bugs around the Hunter class in WoW Classic that are currently being fixed or already have been fixed. In addition, Blizzard has also mentioned that some issues aren’t considered as a bug. “We’ve been working diligently over the past weeks to shore up some of the issues that players have been reporting to us”, Blizzard writes. “We felt that it would be helpful to post an update on our progress as well as to clear up some confusion around issues that were reported that are behaving consistently with the Reference client and are not considered to be actual bugs.”

We’ve included the list of reported issues that have either been fixed or will be fixed:

  • Crocolisk pets cause noticeable server lag when summoned
  • Beast lore does not display the targeted creatures armor in the tooltip
  • Feign death does not immediately drop the Hunter from combat in a Battleground
  • Feign Death does not cause the Hunter’s health and mana bar to zero out as if the Hunter was dead
  • Feign Death does not kill the hunter if they stay feigned the entire duration
  • Hunters are performing a WalkBackwards animation while strafing left during Auto Shot
  • Hunters have the ability to tame pets 2 levels higher than the Hunter’s level
  • Hunter Pets do not auto-cast Dash or Dive when engaging their target
  • The Bonus Armor from Thick Hide is dropping off of Hunter pets shortly after talenting into it
  • Sending Hunter pets into combat with a special ability such as Bite does not also trigger your pet to begin attacking
  • Multiple instances of Hunter’s Mark can be applied to a target
  • Hunters are unable to cancel the animation associated with placing a trap by moving
  • Explosive Trap and Frost Trap place the hunter into combat each time they apply their associated effects or deal damage
  • Enemies will ignore collision when in combat with a player

Note: This isn’t hunter specific and was a global issue. This did affect Hunter pets so we listed it here

  • Pets do not display a “ding” visual when leveling up
  • Activating a Night Elf Hunter’s Shadowmeld racial ability at the same time that the Eyes of the Beast cast completes will give the player control over pet movement without snapping to the Pet’s point of view
  • Ranged attacks cannot be blocked
  • Training pets may cause your client to become unresponsive
  • The spell animation for flare is significantly different than the animation used in 1.12

The following reported Hunter issues currently aren’t being considered as a bug and are actually working as intended:

  • Hunter “dead zone” is working as expected and is consistent with the Reference Client
  • A wolf pet’s Howl buff is consumed by anything that causes damage, even if it does not benefit from the buff
  • A Hunter pet’s Bite and Claw ability damage will not change in the tooltip based on the happiness of the pet. The tooltip will always display the damage as if the pet were Content (yellow). This is consistent with the Reference client

Note: This was reported several times to us based on 1.2 patch notes which seem to have been misunderstood. The intent here is simply that damage displayed is what the pet would deal if it were Content, not what it deals based on its current happiness level.

  • Traps can sometimes not be triggered if a player moves over them very quickly (i.e. a Warrior’s Charge ability). This behavior is consistent with the Reference client.
  • Auto Shot does not make a sound when cast during the animation of Hunter’s Mark and certain other abilities
  • Scatter Shot, Wyvern Sting, and Freezing Trap share diminishing returns
  • A Hunter’s Frost Trap ground effect will break players out of stealth

Blizzard writes that the Classic team is still hard at work to fix issues that haven’t been mentioned above, and the team hopes to have fixed most of the issues prior to Classic’s launch next month.

The following issues have been confirmed as bugs and are currently still ‘Known Issues’ according to Blizzard:

  • Hunter pets that died while the hunter was in a battleground are resurrected in an unhappy state when the battleground ends
  • Auto Shot does not animate or display a missile when it fires immediately after Aimed Shot
  • Aspect of the Pack will sometimes attempt to apply itself to mounted party members
  • When a Quiver or Ammo Pouch is equipped, the tooltip for Aimed Shot incorrectly reflects an attack speed bonus from the Quiver or Ammo Pouch that it does not actually receive
  • When taming a pet that teaches the Hunter a new Beast Training ability, the chat message does not report the ability’s rank
  • The Hunter’s quiver may occasionally appear in the Hunter’s hand instead of the Hunter’s equipped weapon

WoW Classic, Blizzard’s World of Warcraft vanilla server option, will launch globally on August 27.

The post Blizzard Addresses WoW Classic Hunter Beta Issues; Various Issues Confirmed Fixed or Being Looked At by Aernout appeared first on Wccftech.


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