Huawei Can No Longer Use microSD Cards in Its Devices as SD Association Removes Company’s Name From Its List

Huawei microSD ban SD association

Although tensions between Google and Huawei have temporarily cooled off, with the former giving the Chinese company a 90 days reprieve, other U.S. companies are also now bending to the Trump administration’s decisions. The latest to cut ties with Huawei is the SD Association, which has dropped the current number two smartphone maker of the world from its list of members.

Now that SD Association has suspended ties with the company, Huawei will no longer be able to use microSD form factor storage cards in its handsets. The SD Association is basically a non-profit organization which sets memory card standards and any company that isn’t a part of the association is legally not allowed to make products with these standards.

Huawei Has Its Own Form of Expandable Storage, One That It Introduced With Its Flagship Smartphone Line Last Year

Huawei has said that its current products which support microSD card will not be affected as a result of the decision. With state officials from China and America due to meet next month, the general consensus is that the two economies are too large to function without each other and most likely a settlement will be reached. However, if that doesn’t pan out, Huawei already has a microSD alternative, which it introduced with the launch of the Mate 20 series.

Since the last few years, Huawei has been trying to incorporate its own Nano Memory format in its devices instead of using microSD cards. The card is smaller than microSD cards and can fit inside the SIM tray. However, the technology isn’t readily accessible right now and the Chinese giant will now most likely ramp up the production of these cards. It might also lower their prices to drive up demand.

Since the current stage of production is not known, Huawei might face problems in the short run. Cheaper Huawei and Honor ones will be the worst hit, as these typically have low storage space and thus consumers often use memory cards to expand memory. Since the more expensive models don’t have expandable storage or have sufficient internal memory, it makes little to no sense to worry about the lack of microSD card support. However, removal of Huawei’s name from SD Association’s list is the least of the company’s worries.

With ARM having cut its business relationship with the Chinese giant, it puts production of more efficient and powerful Kirin SoCs in jeopardy. Even though HiSilicon, Huawei chip manufacturing division states that it has been preparing for such events, the company needs an ARM IP to continue manufacturing better mobile silicon.

Hopefully, an agreement will be reached by members of the government and Huawei will be able to resume its business with U.S.-based firms.

The post Huawei Can No Longer Use microSD Cards in Its Devices as SD Association Removes Company’s Name From Its List by Omar Sohail appeared first on Wccftech.


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