Mouse Support is Coming to iOS 13 for iPad

Mouse support

Yup, you read that right. Mouse support is finally coming to the iPad with iOS 13. But there is a small catch.

Apple pitches iPad as a laptop replacement, but many users out there are reluctant to jump onboard the bandwagon due to a few things. The lack of mouse support is one of them. And it’s fully understandable how important this is for some users out there. The lack of a pointing device can be daunting and even the Apple Pencil does not help in certain areas.

Things are about to change for the better, however.

First revealed in last week’s episode of ConnectedFM podcast and further corroborated by Steve Troughton-Smith, mouse support is indeed coming to iOS 13. But, it’s not the sort of implementation you’d expect right out of the box. It’s an accessibility feature and something which you have to enable yourself after pairing a mouse with iPad.

Furthermore, it’s also being reported that the mouse pointer on display won’t exactly be a ‘pointer,’ the arrow shape which we are used to on the desktop. It will look more like a circle touch point. But who knows Apple might actually throw in a mouse pointer later down the line and move the feature out from the accessibility pane too. Nevertheless, it’s exciting news.

If you are one of those users who have been holding off from jumping onto iPad due to the lack of a pointer support then you are going to definitely love this news. But don’t act with super positive vibes and grab yourself an iPad Pro just yet. It’s best to wait till WWDC 2019 in June and see what Apple has been cooking first.

Things are shaping up quite nicely in the world of iOS 13. We know now that there are going to be new Animoji, a system-wide dark theme, unified system apps in some cases, dropped support for iPhone 5s and certain iPads, improved NFC features, improvements to CoreML and tons more.

It only seems fitting that we will see more details regarding iOS 13 in the days to come so stay tuned and have that coffee ready to read more.

The post Mouse Support is Coming to iOS 13 for iPad by Uzair Ghani appeared first on Wccftech.


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