Wccftech Finance is Hiring!

Mobile Technology Writer (Hardware)

Yes! That’s right! If you’re a gamer, tech geek, mobile gadget guru, autonomous car buff, CPU/GPU engineering nerd AND have a good understanding of finance, we want to hire you! Wccftech is a great community of people who are excited and passionate about what we cover and we’re looking for someone who can put their passion for BOTH finance AND technology into writing.

You’ll have a professional background in finance. If you’ve ever managed a fund, modelled risk, bought or sold stock, futures, options, FX, bonds, FRAs, swaps or CDS, we want to hear from you! Do you model volatility? Does your pulse quicken at GDP or nonfarm payroll numbers? Do your veins run thick with Stochastic Alpha, Beta, Rho? Does Black Scholes make your pulse race? Does your counterparty risk cup runneth over? Do you love the smell of the opening bell in the morning? Is a Condor more than a bird to you? Every time Trump or Elon Tweet, are you jumping to check your portfolio or trying to consider how to protect against them/make money from them?

If any of the above is you, get in touch because we want to hire you! We cover the finances of tech companies, fintech, crypto, major government policy themes which affect the technology industry and more. We’re looking for people able to write about the relevant news stories and provide light analysis of them from a financial perspective, but grounded in your understanding of technology.

Check out our Finance section to see the kind of things we cover.

Drop me a line at adrian@wccftech.com or head on over to our Careers page to apply!

Job Requirements:

  • Native English speaker
  • Live in Asia-Pacific time zone and able to cover market hours/earnings for Japan, Hong-Kong, South Korea, China, Taiwan and Singapore.
  • Good understanding of economics and financial trading as well as technology.

The post Wccftech Finance is Hiring! by Adrian Ip appeared first on Wccftech.

Refference- https://wccftech.com

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