AppWatch helps you detect apps spamming pop-up ads on your Android device

We see this complaint appear here on XDA and across many other social media sites like Reddit, Facebook, and others. The user has downloaded some nefarious application that is causing a pop-up ad on their device, but they are unable to figure out which app (or game) is the culprit. These used to be an issue with ads in notifications but over time it has become easier for users to find the source of those ads. However, these other pop-up ads are more difficult to locate.

This is where an application called AppWatch from XDA Senior Member mrYoussef135 comes into play. It’s a free application that is available in the Play Store which will monitor the applications and games you have installed. This way, when you see one of those pop-up ads appear, you can check AppWatch to find out where it came from.

AppWatch Features:

  • Monitoring apps
  • Logging the runtime of each app
  • Fast access to the activity log from the notification bar
appwatch appwatch

AppWatch : Detect what app is causing ads (Free+, Google Play) →

Check out AppWatch in our Apps and Games forum

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