Samsung Pay Framework Causing Massive Battery Drainage for Some Users

Samsung Pay Mini

Samsung Pay is undoubtedly one of the better payment solutions out there. Thanks to its ability to interact with non-NFC-based PoS machines, Samsung Pay serves as an excellent full-time replacement for your credit/debit card. However, not all is rosy in the world of Samsung pay, as Samsung Pay Framework, an app that works in the background to provide Samsung Pay with additional functions, is reportedly causing massive battery drainage issues. Some users have taken to online forums such as Reddit to voice their problems, and nobody has figured out a solution just yet. While the problem isn’t as widespread as the battery drain in some Gear smartwatches earlier this year, the issue is by no means isolated.

Ideally, a software update from Samsung should be enough to return battery consumption to normal, but at times, it isn’t as easy as it looks. It won’t be long before someone at Samsung is made aware of the issue and rolls out a fix. The problem is likely a result of conflicting behaviour between Samsung’s battery optimisation logic and Samsung Pay Framework’s own built-in attempts to keep itself running, as speculated a Reddit user.

Complaints about Samsung Pay Framework draining battery are by no means new and have been around as early as August last year. This time around, however, the number of affected users seem to be significantly more. Some users claimed that Samsung Pay Framework used as much as 60% battery in some instances. Force stopping a battery-guzzling application works most of the time, but in this case, users found that it did nothing and a better solution was to disable battery optimisation by going to Settings » Apps » Samsung Pay Framework » Battery.

Not all users are affected by the issue, but if you’ve been noticing reduced battery life on your Samsung device, you might want to look into it. If you don’t use Samsung pay a lot, force stopping the app for now and wait for Samsung to address the issue officially is the best course of action.

The post Samsung Pay Framework Causing Massive Battery Drainage for Some Users by Anil Ganti appeared first on Wccftech.


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